Hot young bods in spandex, shooting purple firebolts at one another and floating in mid-air while looking angry. Yes, it’s that time again to check in with those lovable X-Men, and this new movie has them attending, once more, with end of days. Bryan Singer returns to the helm of this comic book franchise which was one of the very first to eschew wide-eyed wonderment and “go dark” on us. And, from the look of this first trailer, things are still very dark.
Winterfell’s own Sophie Turner is drafted in as a young Jean Gray who foresees “the end of the world!” and, even though we’re not gambling folk, we’d guess that her premonition was more than just a bad dream. As luck would have it, the first ever mutant in existence happens to go by the handy soubriquet of “Apocalypse”, and the fact that he’s back on the block with henchmen a-plenty and a hankering for Earthly destruction, well… you see where we’re going with this.
Although, wouldn’t it be swell and refreshing if it actually was a dream, all was well and the X-Men went to the park en masse to play hacky sack and drink Buck’s Fizz in the sunshine? Ahh… Here’s the new trailer for you.
X-Men: Apocalypse opens in cinemas on 19 May.
Published 11 Dec 2015
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