Erika Lust's C*m With Me tour celebrates 20 years of the filmmaker's work, but how can welcoming porn back into cinemas challenge audience attitudes?
A bridal party find themselves sharing the ocean with an aquatic killer in Hayley Easton Street's shark thriller.
Twenty five years on from its release, the rave culture of Justin Kerrigan's ode to doomed youth is all but lost.
An excellent crop of debut films in the past couple of years all explore painful childhoods. What does this say about the interests of the British film industry?
From gaslighting to trauma, more and more therapy buzzwords are finding their way on screen – but who does it actually help?
Marie Liden offers an insight into one man's experience with debilitating electrosensitivity in her moving feature debut.
This year's biggest horror titles have frustratingly pointed to women's ageing bodies as a source of ridicule and fear.
Robert Pattinson’s breakout role in the Twilight franchise has more in common with Bruce Wayne than DC diehards may think.